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Ko - production in Busan
  • KOFIC & KOFA open third indie cinema
  • by David Oxenbridge /  Jul 20, 2010
  • KOFIC & KOFA open third indie cinema

    The Korean Film Council in conjunction with the Korea Film Archive (KOFA) have opened their third cinema in Seoul specializing in independent film.  The three cinemas are part of broader measures designed to give independent films greater opportunities for exposure and a more stable distribution situation.

    The new cinema in KOFA at the DMC in Sangam-dong will join the Miro Space and Arirang cinemas showing a colourful variety of Korean and international independent films.  The first film at the new cinema will be Rainbow directed by SHIN Soo-won and in August Guitar Story by KIM Seong-gyu.   The movies shown are free to the public.

    Given the difficulties independent film face, especially since the explosion of multiplexes in Korea, indie films do face an uphill battle.  Although such films do sometimes get released at commercial cinemas they are usually only given less than two week runs. There has been limited commercial success however, with a number of independent films in the last few years such as the runaway bovine hit Old Partner which pulled in three million admissions in 2009.  Unfortunately though, such successes are usually only the exception rather than the rule.

    David Oxenbridge

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