Interchangeable Regardless of Genre or Character

There are actors who remain long in the memory despite only appearing in a few scenes. These are the scene stealers. Among the large pool of actors in film, these have reached a certain distinction. Here is a list of ten big scene stealers in the Korean film industry.
One of the leaders in supporting roles within Korean films is
LA Mi-ran. Her sharp and unusual eyes can mysteriously build tension in a scene even with a short appearance. She changes herself all the time regardless of genre or character. She sometimes is considered as a comedy actress, but her characters are never predictable. She debuted in
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (2005) at the age of 30. In the last couple of years, she has become one of the busiest actors in the field. Not only can she play typical characters like a spinster teacher, but she cane also effectively handle more difficult roles. She proved this in last year’s
The Spy: Undercover Operation. The vague impression between seriousness and levity is her trademark. These days, she also shows off her capabilities in a reality TV show.