Jun 2016 VOL.62


  • 10 SCENE STEALERS②-KIM In-kwon
  • by HWANG Hee-yeon, KIM Hyung-seok / 10.17.2014
  • Acting in Restful Repose

    There are actors who remain long in the memory despite only appearing in a few scenes. These are the scene stealers. Among the large pool of actors in film, these have reached a certain distinction. Here is a list of ten big scene stealers in the Korean film industry.
    KIM looks very relaxed when acting. He often performs as a light character that never looks too serious. He looks so frivolous at a glance, but in fact, he is a serious character analyst. When he debuted in Rainbow Trout (1999) as a university student majoring in acting, he wrote a 50-page-long report analyzing his character on his own steam. He then played charming supporting roles in a number of films and finally caught the attention of viewers when he appeared in Haeundae (2009). Since then, he has consistently played warm hearted troublemakers. He even proved his value as a hitmaker in He’s on Duty (2010), his first film as a lead actor. Knowing how to wittily act as a snobby troublemaker, he always possesses a grain of humor on his face.
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