Title (Korean): <두개의 선> (Du Gae-eui Seon)
Year: 2011
Length: 82 min.
Format: HD Cam
Aspect: 2.35:1
Color/BW: Color
Audio: Stereo
Director: JI Min
Cast: LEE Cheol, JI Min
Genre: Documentary
Release Date: Feb. 9, 2012
Is marriage even a choice in Korean society? Ji Min and Lee Cheol met in university ten years ago and now live together as roommates and lovers. People ask them why they won't get married since they're around“the appropriate age”, but they've never seen a reason to. Life was happy enough as it was. They didn't want to get involved with intrusive rules and social institutions. Sometimes they think about a life with a child, but only in dreams.At the moment it's too much for a woman who makes documentaries and a man who tutors by the hour. But, what will they do when fate deals them an unexpected pregnancy? Will they change their opinion of marriage?
<Two Lines> is Ji Min’s debut feature documentary. Previously, she directed the 2007 documentary short <She Saw Spring>, was an assistant director for the documentary <She Is> (2007), and worked as a writer for the 2006 documentary<To Live - Save Our Saemankum>.