로맨스 조 Ro-maen-seu jo
2011 l 115min l HD l 2.35:1 l Color l Dolby SRD
First feature
Director LEE Kwang-kuk
Cast KIM Young-pil, SHIN Dong-mi
Genre Drama
Release date Nov. 2011
International film festivals
2011 Busan International Film Festival
Production Bori Pictures
tel +
email : yiseungtaek@naver.com
International sales M-Line Distribution
tel +82.2.796.2426
email : sales@mlinedistribution.com
In this anti-narrative meta-comedy about filmmaking, a director with writer’s block encounters a coffee shop waitress who promises him a good story. One day, by knocking on the wrong door, she accidentally found a man committing suicide. After helping him, he tells her all about his first love from high school. Feeling better about life, he decides to visit his hometown, where he retraces the memories that are now rushing back to him.
Director Lee Kwang-kuk worked with HONG Sang-soo on many of his films, including Woman on the Beach (2006), Like You Know it All (2008) and Hahaha (2010). Romance Joe received an Asian Cinema Fund Post-Production grant in 2011. The film will make its world premiere at the 2011 Busan International Film Festival’s Korean Film Today: Vision section.