하나안 Ha-na-an
2011 l 84min l HD l 2.35:1 l Color l Stereo
First featureDirector Ruslan PAK
Cast Stanislav TYAN, Bahodir MUSAEV
Genre Crime, Drama
Release date TBA
International film festivals 2011 Locarno International Film Festival
2011 Toronto International Film Festival
2011 Busan International Film Festival
Production Zamie Pictures
tel +82.2.511.6149
zamie.md@gmail.comInternational sales M-Line Distribution
tel +82.2.796.2426
Despite a life colored by addiction, violence, and despair, young Stas (Tyan) rises to the rank of police detective in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. One day Stas finds himself face-to-face with the killer of his childhood friend, only to then watch him walk free after bribing the police captain. Shortly after, Stas learns that a different friend has just overdosed.
Frustrated with the death and corruption surrounding him, Stas himself enters a downward spiral of drugs and destitution until one day his old friend Shin appears. Having built a successful life in South Korea, Shin offers Stas the opportunity to return to with him.
Ruslan Pak comes from Uzbekistan and studied filmmaking at the Korean National University of the Arts. Since 2001, he has been worked as an actor, theater director, and assistant film director. His previous short films have shown at international film festivals in Berlin, New York, and San Diego.