KIM Hyun-joo is an animation film director who received in 2003 a Master’s degree from the Korea National University of Arts in animation. Her graduation film <The Umbrella and a Loach> was selected to the Annecy International Animation Film Festival. In 2005, she and SEO Seok-joon established their own animation production company Studio Holhory. Together, they have produced animated TV series, educational films and commercials as well as picture books based on thei...
KIM Hyun-joo is an animation film director who received in 2003 a Master’s degree from the Korea National University of Arts in animation. Her graduation film <The Umbrella and a Loach> was selected to the Annecy International Animation Film Festival. In 2005, she and SEO Seok-joon established their own animation production company Studio Holhory. Together, they have produced animated TV series, educational films and commercials as well as picture books based on their films. After eleven years in the making, KIM released in 2016 her feature debut <Lost in the moonlight>.