Top Korean distributor CJ Entertainment is repping an explosive lineup at the European Film Market (EFM) this year, led by their upcoming military action Take Point, as well as several recent hits and local language titles for foreign markets. Reuniting director KIM Byung-woo and star HA Jung-woo five years after their thriller hit The Terror, LIVE (2013), Take Point unfurls during the US presiden...
Election Drama Features CHOI Min-shik, KWAK Do-won On January 22nd, SHIM Eun-kyoung’s management company revealed that the young star officially joined the upcoming political drama Special Citizen (translated title). The project already made headlines when it was announced that CHOI Min-shik would take on the lead role. CHOI will appear as the mayor of Seoul as he faces a reelection campaign aft...
LEE Seung-gi Co-Stars in Joseon Era Romcom After almost four months of principal photography, new period drama Marital Harmony (literal tile) wrapped on December 23rd. From debut director HONG Chang-pyo, the film features young actors SHIM Eun-kyoung and LEE Seung-gi. Miss Granny (2014) star SHIM appears as Princess Songhwa who refuses to go along with a plan to marry someone who she will be mat...