• Film


Shock Continues Long (1989)
< Geu-hu-ro-do O-laet-dong-an >
  • Shock Continues Long
After finishing her studies in France, Sunwoo Soo-mi takes a job as a teacher in a French language institute. However, her memories of seven years past still haunt her. In her freshman year of college, a chaste Soo-mi was on a date with Jin-woo when she was gang-raped by five men. Jin-woo tried to help Soo-mi regain her mental and physical health but it is to no avail. At this time, Lee Hyun-wuk appears. He still carries a deep void inside him due to the wound from his youth....more
Genre Romance Production Status Released
Running Time 112min Release Date Sep 09, 1989
Country South Korea Rating
Language Co-Production N
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