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Korean Film News

CHA Seung-won and HAN Seok-gyu finish shoot

Jan 23, 2008
  • Writer by Yi Ch' ang-ho (KOFIC)
  • View2875

CHA Seung-won and HAN Seok-gyu finish shoot


Nooneneun Noon, Ieneun I (English translation: eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth), starring CHA Seung-won and HAN Seok-gyu, wrapped up filming on January 13 in Busan. The crime film is surrounded with high expectations because of the promise of one of the most thrilling and spectacular confrontations in Korean cinema between the two high profile stars.


HAN plays a top detective working on the case of the brilliant criminal portrayed by CHA. Filming ended with an intense action scene involving HAN’s character raiding CHA’s gang in the Busan harbour. The scene’s big set-up included hundred extras and numerous land and sea vehicles.


Shooting took place in different locations, including Seoul, Jeju Island and Busan for a rather long period of seven months. The film is scheduled to open in cinemas in March.


Yi Ch’ang-ho (KOFIC)

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