MIRACLE IN CELL NO. 7 Passes MASQUERADE to Become 3rd Most Successful Korean Film
Mar 19, 2013
by JI Yong-jin
Surpasses 12,320,000 52 Days After Release
Miracle in Cell No. 7 became the third most popular Korean film of all time at around 3:30pm on March 15th after surpassing 12,320,000 in admissions. The figure is higher than that of Masquerade which was 12,319,542. Miracle in Cell No. 7 became the first film of the comedy genre to surpass the 10 million mark, 32 days after its release due to the long lunar new year holidays and families going to see it in groups.
The film is particularly popular among middle-aged and elderly Koreans and through word of mouth, its popularity is continuing to rise, holding it at the top position of the box office charts. Attention is now focused on whether Miracle in Cell No. 7 will surpass the scores of all-time most popular films such as The Host (13,019,740) and The Thieves (12,983,334).
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