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Korean Film News

LEE Hae-jun films JUNG Jae-young’s adventures

Sep 11, 2008
  • Writer by Yi Ch' ang-ho (KOFIC)
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LEE Hae-jun films JUNG Jae-young’s adventures


LEE Hae-jun is attempting his solo feature film directorial debut with the film Kimssi pyoryoogi (English translation: the adventures of Mr. KIM). He previously co-directed the acclaimed Like a Virgin with LEE Hae-young.

The titular character will be played by JUNG Jae-young. JUNG’s character runs to the Han River in Seoul to commit suicide, but it won’t come that far. JUNG previously starred in JANG Jin’s Someone Special and Guns and Talks. He is currently in cinemas with Public Enemy Returns and The Divine Weapon.

Mr. KIM’s change of plans is due to another KIM, a woman played by CHUNG Yeo-won. CHUNG was seen in last year’s Two Faces of My Girlfriend.

Filming started in late August. The film is scheduled for a release in next year.

Yi Ch’ang-ho (KOFIC)

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