After being left as an outcast due to the power struggles within her small village, 70-year-old Eunja falls victim to a break-in during a village festival. Discovering an unidentifiable bag left behind by the thief, Eunja takes it upon herself to track down the culprit. Eventually, she uncovers that the burglar was the mysterious gentleman, Lee Pal-bok, who had gifted her with a cigarette just days prior. The growing sense of anger calms down soon and she finds curiosity fill...
After being left as an outcast due to the power struggles within her small village, 70-year-old Eunja falls victim to a break-in during a village festival. Discovering an unidentifiable bag left behind by the thief, Eunja takes it upon herself to track down the culprit. Eventually, she uncovers that the burglar was the mysterious gentleman, Lee Pal-bok, who had gifted her with a cigarette just days prior. The growing sense of anger calms down soon and she finds curiosity fills up inside her about this man who seems to be a similar age as her... and about the work he is doing....