"A Ray of Sunlight" was created based on the struggles of the haenyeo during the Tap-dong Landfill incident in 1988. It portrays the story of a family that gradually loses each identity over years of suffering brought about by large-cap corporations. Although the violence of capital and bureaucracy in a small seaside village repeats generation after generation, the citizens give everything up in the face of power. The only legacy that the father left behind, the dry...
"A Ray of Sunlight" was created based on the struggles of the haenyeo during the Tap-dong Landfill incident in 1988. It portrays the story of a family that gradually loses each identity over years of suffering brought about by large-cap corporations. Although the violence of capital and bureaucracy in a small seaside village repeats generation after generation, the citizens give everything up in the face of power. The only legacy that the father left behind, the dry cleaner’s, holds a history that has lasted through decades. The protagonist, who desperately needs money to regain custody of her daughter, becomes interested in her father's inheritance and gets caught up in the whirlwind of redevelopment, growing in the process. She feels true familial love from her stepmother, whom she had considered a stranger, and realizes that a family's love is the true legacy they must protect.