The story unfolds with Si-Jung, an unknown rapper, becoming entangled in a drug-related incident and becoming a fugitive. Desperate to escape Seoul, he ends up in a seemingly empty house in the remote village of Boseong, which turns out to be the Namdo Pansori master Park Man-chun Memorial Hall. Here, Eunsol and her mother reside, trying to uphold their grandfather's traditions and facing eviction due to the county office's plans to close the memorial hall.
Si-Jung, awak...
The story unfolds with Si-Jung, an unknown rapper, becoming entangled in a drug-related incident and becoming a fugitive. Desperate to escape Seoul, he ends up in a seemingly empty house in the remote village of Boseong, which turns out to be the Namdo Pansori master Park Man-chun Memorial Hall. Here, Eunsol and her mother reside, trying to uphold their grandfather's traditions and facing eviction due to the county office's plans to close the memorial hall.
Si-Jung, awakening to Eunsol's Pansori performance accompanied by tourists, playfully adds his own beat to the mix. The fusion of Pansori and trap beats captivates the audience, leading to applause for Eunsol for the first time.
Their chance encounter brings together two individuals who share an intense passion for music, regardless of their backgrounds. Si-Jung becomes Eunsol's partner, creating innovative music that begins to reverberate throughout the neighborhood, transcending traditional boundaries. However, when the county office discovers their musical collaboration, they take measures to close the memorial hall, prompting Eunsol to participate in a Pansori contest.