Bishop Seongsoo Kim, at 94 years old, currently leads Woori Village on Ganghwa Island as the village chief. This village serves as a vocational rehabilitation institution for people with developmental disabilities. Bishop Kim, a prominent figure in the Episcopal Church of Korea, was approached for a portrait documentary. However, he initially hesitated, not wishing to be the focus of a film. In a unique twist, the director proposed including the bishop's granddaughter as part...
Bishop Seongsoo Kim, at 94 years old, currently leads Woori Village on Ganghwa Island as the village chief. This village serves as a vocational rehabilitation institution for people with developmental disabilities. Bishop Kim, a prominent figure in the Episcopal Church of Korea, was approached for a portrait documentary. However, he initially hesitated, not wishing to be the focus of a film. In a unique twist, the director proposed including the bishop's granddaughter as part of the production team. She then appealed to her grandfather, saying, "Grandpa, please do this for our shared memories. We take so many pictures together." Moved by her request, the bishop smiled and agreed to the interview. This cinematic portrayal is not just a tribute to Bishop Kim. It's a tapestry woven from multiple voices. Taking inspiration from Bishop Kim's own narratives, the documentary will also incorporate diverse opinions sourced from interviews with his close family and acquaintances. Through performative interviews, we'll present an array of perspectives from priests, nuns, monks, believers, and all who've had the honor of knowing him. The film aims to trace the trajectory of Seongsoo Kim's enriching life, drawing on his personal recounts and the testimonies of those who've journeyed alongside