Renowned Korean filmmaker Park Soo-nam, along with his daughter Park Maeui, a second-generation Korean in Japan, has undertaken the task of digitally restoring a collection of 16mm films shot a long time ago. These films, which were deteriorating with the passage of time, contain the labor, daily lives, and testimonies of tens of thousands of Korean victims. As the films are restored, these stories come back to life before our eyes and resonate in our ears.
Renowned Korean filmmaker Park Soo-nam, along with his daughter Park Maeui, a second-generation Korean in Japan, has undertaken the task of digitally restoring a collection of 16mm films shot a long time ago. These films, which were deteriorating with the passage of time, contain the labor, daily lives, and testimonies of tens of thousands of Korean victims. As the films are restored, these stories come back to life before our eyes and resonate in our ears.