When I was twenty four, I felt like I was standing on the edge of the cliff. I couldn't write anything, including the play I promised to finish for presenting in on the stage. I looked back on my life thoroughly to figure out the reason of my writer's block. I failed to enter my dream school four times. I left my school where I was majoring in film since it seemed I won't be able to tell my story. I didn't win prizes from major literary contests. I asked myself why I kept wri...
When I was twenty four, I felt like I was standing on the edge of the cliff. I couldn't write anything, including the play I promised to finish for presenting in on the stage. I looked back on my life thoroughly to figure out the reason of my writer's block. I failed to enter my dream school four times. I left my school where I was majoring in film since it seemed I won't be able to tell my story. I didn't win prizes from major literary contests. I asked myself why I kept writing though I had no talent. It was my mom. My mom was the first person who complimented me on my writing. She said I should try becoming a writer who can make others happy with my work. So, becoming a writer was a dream motivated by my mom. Becoming a writer wasn't the life "I" wanted. Then, how is my mom living? I just headed for Chuncheon, my hometown, to see my mom and make a documentary on her.