In this high-tension thriller, the mise-en-scène visually portrays the conflicting relationship between the characters, a father and his daughter studying abroad, both coming from North Korean elite. The polished cinematography further pushes the idea of two opposing world-views by playing with light and shadows to illustrate the growing schism in what the father and daughter hold important, namely freedom and a strict dogmatic view of party allegiance. (Vivian Xavier, Anup ...
In this high-tension thriller, the mise-en-scène visually portrays the conflicting relationship between the characters, a father and his daughter studying abroad, both coming from North Korean elite. The polished cinematography further pushes the idea of two opposing world-views by playing with light and shadows to illustrate the growing schism in what the father and daughter hold important, namely freedom and a strict dogmatic view of party allegiance. (Vivian Xavier, Anup Poudel, Sébastien Simon)