• Film


A Pleasant Day (2001)
< Jeulgeoun Haru >
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It is art class at Ki-yoon's school, and 'A Pleasant Day' is the day's theme. Those who can't finish has to do it for homework. Ki-yoon left his sketchbook on the bus to school, so he has to find it to do his homework. He gets on a bus to get to the terminus.
However, at the terminus the bus repair man, who was taking a nap, finds the sketchbook and starts to draw some pictures. When Ki-yoon arrives the sketchbook is already filled with scribblings. The mechanic feels so...more
Genre Drama Production Status
Running Time 18min Release Date -
Country South Korea Rating
Language Co-Production N
Contact Point
  • Mirovision Inc. | sales@mirovision.com
Director & Producer
Production & Sales Company
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