• Film


A Song Everyone Wants to Sing Together (1979)
< Da Ham-kke Bu-leu-go Sip-eun No-lae >
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Gil-nyo lives with her daughter Myung-ah in a fishing village and runs a bar. When their husbands squander everything for drink and gambling, the village women come after Gil-nyo. But they fail in running her out of the village. To Gil-nyo, who only wants money, Jun-gi is a ship owner and she tries to convince Choi In-gyu, a salt field runner, to give her money. But when the permit for a breeding farm is given to both, Jun-gi conspires with Choi and sends Gil-nyo to jail. Whe...more
Genre Drama Production Status
Running Time 100min Release Date -
Country South Korea Rating
Language Co-Production N
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