• Film


Struggling (1977)
< Mom-bu-lim >
  • Struggling
Jun, a Korean boy who takes the Chinese nurse for his mother and struggles to overcome the poverty, goes to a free vocational school with the help of Jeong-Yong, a businessman and friend of his father, Dae-Shik. In the meantime, he saves a Thai girl who had her pocket picked and forms step-sisterly ties with her. Jeong-Yong always watching Jun decides to pick him as his successor. On the other hand, as his Chinese nurse tells him the truth that he is Korean, he finds his real...more
Genre Drama, Romance Production Status Released
Running Time 80min Release Date Mar 19, 1977
Country South Korea Rating
Language Co-Production N
Contact Point
  • Dong-a Export Co., LTD | donga@dongaexport.com
Director & Producer
Production & Sales Company Cast
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