• Film


Robot Taekwon V 2 (1976)
< Ro-bo-teu Tae-gwon V Je-2-tan : U-ju Jak-jeon >
  • Robot Taekwon V 2
A star called Alpha is gradually moving closer to Earth in order to take over the planet. Taekwon V fights against Queen Nogui, the ruler of the star, and General Maxx. Just before Alpha is about to impact Earth, Taekwon V fights and defeats General Maxx's robot army in space and kills General Maxx as well as most of the villains. Mary, the android, follows Boy Pico, a member of the robot army that is retreating. (Mary, whose heart is the only thing that remains in the first ...more
Genre SF, Family Production Status
Running Time 75min Release Date -
Country South Korea Rating
Language Co-Production N
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