Dark Circle Pictures (initially named Grimm Pictures) is director KIM Jee-woon’s own production company, established in 2004. It has produced some of KIM’s most famous works, namely <The Good, The Bad, and the Weird> (2008) and <The Age of Shadows> (2016) (in collaboration with Warner Bros.), as well as <One Perfect Day> (2013), a medium-length film commissioned by a fitness wear brand.
Dark Circle Pictures (initially named Grimm Pictures) is director KIM Jee-woon’s own production company, established in 2004. It has produced some of KIM’s most famous works, namely <The Good, The Bad, and the Weird> (2008) and <The Age of Shadows> (2016) (in collaboration with Warner Bros.), as well as <One Perfect Day> (2013), a medium-length film commissioned by a fitness wear brand.