Korea Independent Animation Filmmakers Association(KIAFA) is a gathering of independent animation producers and related workers who have been seeking for an alternative way of independent animation, based on the spirit of freedom and criticism, experiment and challenge, frontier and fortitude.
The association basically aims at supporting the activities of independent animation workers and facilitation the communication among them. In a larger perspective, KIAFA tri...
Korea Independent Animation Filmmakers Association(KIAFA) is a gathering of independent animation producers and related workers who have been seeking for an alternative way of independent animation, based on the spirit of freedom and criticism, experiment and challenge, frontier and fortitude.
The association basically aims at supporting the activities of independent animation workers and facilitation the communication among them. In a larger perspective, KIAFA tries to become a future hope for Korean animation and society by proposing an alternatives and implementing it.
So far, KIAFA has been organizing Independent Animation Film Festival 'Indie-AniFest' and various other film shows, and also has been building the Datebase as well as manaing educational programmes